
BR6: The Secret Garden

 "This is my secret garden," (p. 30)

「The secret garden Longman」の画像検索結果If you were hated by your parents and other people, do you think?

If you knew you were beloved, do you think you can live alone.

 I thought I couldn't live alone. When once I was beloved of many people, I believe the love and I don't want to make them disappoint. So, I'll be hard whether I am bad or not. Sometimes, I want to go where anyone don't know to forget a bad thing. I felt a tinge of envy for Mary. I want to have the secret garden. If I have it, I plant many flowers and trees, and set a table and some chairs to have a tea. The place may be a quiet and relaxing apace. I can forget something and do wonders for my mind.

Burnet, F. H. (1994). The Secret Garden. Longman Classics.

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