
The Star Zoo

In our world today a hummingbird is a small, brilliantly colored bird that lives in the tall trees of tropical forests.

In the far distant future, Hummingbird is a girl of sixteen who lives somewhere in the Galaxy, on a planet called just Like Home...

I read the Star Zoo. This book is easy to read. This story was about the people who had never watched animals except human. It was very exciting story, so please read it.

Gilbert, Harry. (1994). The Star Zoo. Oxford: Oxford University press.

David Copperfield

My father died before I was born. One evening soon after his death my mother was sitting by the fire feeling very sad. She looked up and saw Miss Betsy outside the garden fence. (p.1)

I read David Copperfield. It was very interesting. There are a lot of characters, so it made me confused. Please read it!!

Dickens, Charles. (1992). David Copperfield. Longman Group UK Limited.


As the Inspector Said and other stories

「As the Inspector Said and other stories」の画像検索結果
The murder plan seems so neat, so clever. How can it possibly fail? And when Sonia's stupid, boring little husband is dead, she will be free to marry her handsome lover. But perhaps the boring little husband is not so stupid after all...

I read this book. It has five stories about mystery. Especially, 'As the Inspector Said' is an interesting story!
It is easy to understand this book. Please read it!

Escott, John. (2000). As the Inspector Said and other stories. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Grace Darling

「Grace Darling」の画像検索結果
All they could hear was the wind, and the waves crashing on to the rocks. All they could see was the night. The could not see the ship, broken in two. They could not see the people holding on the dark wet rock, slowly dying of cold. And they could not hear the cries for help - only the wind.

I read Grace Darling. This is the true story of Grace Darling who became a famous heroine on that stormy night. There are many characters, so I was confused. However, it is an exciting story.
The ship was wrecked off north-east of England. How could they save the people on the rock? Please read this book!!

Vicary, Tim. (1991). Grace Darling. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Materials to Products

「Materials to Products」の画像検索結果Products are things that people make or use, like this book, your clothes, and the television in your home. People make products from different materials, like wood, metal, and plastic. (p.3) 
 I can know many materials’ elements throughout this book. 

Raynham, Alex . (2011).  Materials to Products. Oxford University Press. 

Our World in Art

「Our World in Art」の画像検索結果Artists help us to look at our world. They look at places and people, and then they show them in pictures. Artists also show smaller things- flowers, fruit, or birds. Artists don’t only make pictures. Sometimes they make sculptures with stone, metal, or wood.  

I can see many beautiful pictures. It is great. I want to see the real things!!

N. Richard. (2011). Our World in Art. Oxford University Press. 

Exploring Our World

「Exploring Our World」の画像検索結果Explorers are people who leave their home to discover new places, or to learn new things about people, plants, or animals. To learn more about our world, they go on exciting journeys through forests, across hot or icy deserts, up mountains, or down rivers. 

I read this book and I can know beautiful world. I want to explore all over the world.
M. Jacqueline. (2010). Exploring Our World. Oxford University Press. 


「Justice oxford」の画像検索結果
Terrorists don’t care who they kill or hill; they’re not interested in for other people, only in bombs and guns and killing- and in escaping from the law themselves. But there is another kind of justice, an older kind, before there were police and laws and prisons. It’s called an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a life for a life. . .

I read Justice. It was an exciting story.

Vicary, Tim. 2000. Justice. Oxford university press. 


Vanity Fair

「Vanity Fair」の画像検索結果
We are going to see a great deal of Amelia, so there is no harm in saying immediately that she was a dear little creature. As she is not a heroine, there is no need to describe her appearance. Indeed I am afraid that her nose was rather short, and her face was too round for a heroine. But she had a very nice smile, and her eyes were bright and happy-looking – (p.1)

I read this book. It is interesting and exciting. I heard it was made into a movie, so I want to see the movie!!

Thackeray, William. (1991). Vanity Fair. Longman Group UK Limited. 

Of Mice and Men

「Of Mice and Men」の画像検索結果
They went everywhere together, George and Lennie. One day in the future, they were going to buy their own ranch and Lennie was going to keep rabbits. It was an impossible dream but it gave them something to live for.

I read this book. I was surprised at the last science, but I consented the ending.

Steinbeck, John. (1992). Of Mice and Men. Heinemann Guided Readers.

The Star Zoo

In our world today a hummingbird is a small, brilliantly colored bird that lives in the tall trees of tropical forests. In the far distan...