
BR7: Heidi

「longman classics heidi」の画像検索結果 Clara took one slow step, then another, then another. "I can do it, Heidi, I can do it!" she cried. "I'm walking!"(p.50)

 I read “Heidi” for the first time. I knew a little about it. However, I was surprised when I read it. First,   Heidi is not real name. Her name is Adelheid which is same name with her mother.  Also, she was not from Switzerland but Frankfurt. Second, I thought her grandfather is grim as people in the village, but he is so kind to Heidi. He looks real her father! Third, I had ever watched scene Clare can stand and walk, but the story is different. Peter envies Clara and he break her wheelchair, which makes her sad. Heidi helps her walk with Peter. Then, she can walk! It moved me! I want to watch the movie.

Spyri, J. (1991). Heidi. UK: Longman Classics

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