
BR2: Grey Owl

「Grey owl」の画像検索結果
"Remember. You belong to Nature, not it to you." (p. 1)

I read 'Grey Owl'. It is true story. Grey Owl was the famous North American Indian in the world. However, he was not real Indian, a Canadian. After reading the book, I thought he was a brave man and great, because he had his family, but he decided to live with animals in nature.

Shipton, V. Grey Owl. (2003). Penguin Books.


BR1: The Yearling

"It's a healthy male. I'm proud that you found him."
"Pa, he wasn't scare of me. I carried him. When I put him down, He followed me --like a dog, Pa." (p. 29)
「the yearling」の画像検索結果 I read 'The Yearling'. The beginning of story is boring, but from the middle of the stage of book, it is so interesting. Jody wants to have a pet to play with him. One day, he find a fawn. The fawn followed him because he thinks Jody is his family. So, Jody decides to keep the fawn as a pet. However, Jody's mother hates his pet. Another day, his mother find he was having potatoes in her farm. She is so angry and she want to kill him. I thought the book is very sad story. And, it is difficult to life with other animal.

Rawlings, M. K. (2001). The Yearling. Penguin Books.


My spring vacation

 I'm going to talk about to my spring vacation. I joined the internship of assemblymen. It started in January 30 and it ended in March 26. During the period, I was took many place by my officer, for example, museums and  temples. I met lots of people who are tops of companies and like our city. I learned political systems of Kumamoto city and politician's works. I also knew a lot of things about Kumamoto city. It was very busy and I felt tired, but it was a good experience for me. I want to learn about various things and I know more deeply.

The Star Zoo

In our world today a hummingbird is a small, brilliantly colored bird that lives in the tall trees of tropical forests. In the far distan...